Negative energy could be accumulated over time.You often feeling drained and depressed, you possibly suffering from the negative energy hanging around you. our aura is being dark and decease with negative thoughts. Sometimes hanging around with negative people or environment could also bring you down.In fact, you are absorbing the negative energy radiants from the negative acquittances.
White sage is the most scared of all the smudging herbs. For hundreds of years, white sage has been considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying, and protective plant. Smudging is the ancient ceremony of cleansing yourselves and others with smoke form certain herbs. White sage can be used for welcoming in the new day or cleansing the body, home or workplace, but is also used in ceremonial occasions, including sweat lodges. By smudging with respect the symbolism goes beyond the physical to enhance your spiritual connection.
Sage neutralises the positive charge and releases large amounts of negative ions into the atmosphere; just as a waterfall or running water, emits the same thing. The smoke from the sage meets the positive ions, clings to them and neutralises them out of our aura, or from the room or house where you live or work.
Sage sticks range from 14 - 15cm