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Black amethyst is a darker natural version of amethyst due to hematite & nickel inclusions and a higher iron content found inside it's crystalline matrix.

It works with the upper & lower chakras simultaneously giving a sense of equilibrium during times of deep healing and exploration.

This type of Amethyst is rich in both colour and energy and is an awesome choice when you feel it's time to transmute, transform and connect to your true Soul potential.

Find deep grounding & stabilisation

Breakthrough dense and perhaps old blockages

Heal old wounds perhaps from childhood.

Agate is known for its grounding & calming energies, it encourages the balance within you emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. The energy of Agate will keep you open and willing for all the abundance that the universe wants to send your way!

Agate is a lovely stone that packs a punch when it comes to healing energy. Known for possessing protective meaning and useful healing properties (as well as stunning beauty), it has been used by healers for many years.