Sodalite is a stone of idealism and truth. it's an extraordinary stone uniting logic with intuition, encouraging spirituality and deep thinking. It is highly effective as a guide on inner travels through meditation or dream work and can provide one with access to the sacred laws of the universe. It promotes multileveled understanding, and allows one to both “speak the truth” and “know the truth.
Sodalite enables the conscious and subconscious mind to connect with one’s thoughts and feelings, and helps one to recognize and verbalize those feelings and truths objectively. It allows the shadow qualities, those negative traits one dislikes about oneself, to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and accepted without judgement. Sodalite discharges anger and negative thoughts and empowers the release of core fears, phobias, guilt, and control mechanisms that hold one back.
Zodiac - Sagittarius
Chakra - Throat & Third Eye